Blog - page 12

Nov 15, 2012

Piteå Percussion Repertoire Festival

In March 2011, Ensemble Evolution hosted the Piteå Percussion Repertoire Festival at Studio Acusticum. More than 40 teachers, performers, composers and students came from around the world to share new music, ideas and inspiration!

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Nov 1, 2012

libpd - linking problems with Xcode 4.5

Ran into another problem today with Xcode while updating Snow Music for iPhone’s 5 and found the solution on CDN. Turns out, Xcode 4.5 is causing all kinds of problems with linking static libraries, and the default build settings don’t work with libpd.

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Oct 29, 2012

Article in PERCUSscene Issue 4!

I have an article in the new issue of PERCUSscene that comes with DRUMscene issue 70! The new magazine is out now so you can grab one from newsagents or order online.

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