Blog - page 38
Working in CCRMA Listening room
I’m working on a piece for supercollider and multitouch surface at Stanford CCRMA. Today I spent a lot of time in the listening room testing out ideas.
read moreDownhill views of San Francisco
A few downhill views of San Francisco. Steep!
read moreWelcome to California, have fun eating a taco.
The waitress was going around accusing customers of not eating their dinner, so I immediately got scared of not finishing!! Although I didn’t finish it all… luckily she had her back turned while we escaped.
read moreStrike on Stage Micro
Today I worked a lot on Strike on Stage Micro, my portable solo version of Strike on Stage! Next Friday I’m going to present it during a Stanford CCRMA Summer Workshop on Multitouch Tabletop Interfaces.
read moreUSB socket repair on Korg Nanokontrol
I bought a Korg NanoKontrol in Japan in February and, before I even had one performance with it, I managed to break the USB connector. Looking inside, I found that it was only held on by weak solder connections so I can’t blame myself too much… Anyway, I looked at it again and realised that I could fix it by soldering a wire from each pin from the USB mini socket to the next component in the circuit. The surface mount soldering was very difficult but it works now. I tried to add some extra tape and foam inside the case so that the socket would be more secure now. Maybe it’ll break again, but at least I have a chance to use it now!
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