More Objective C OSC Library Adventures: F53OSC and MetatoneOSC

30 Jan '14

I’ve previously written about my adventures in finding a good OSC library to use in iOS development. I found a new contender, F53OSC, yesterday that seemed to be a complete implementation of OSC 1.0 and doesn’t require any XCode sub-projects (very annoying to setup when starting a new app).

Ideally for an OSC library, I should be able to drag a the folder of source files into my project and be ready to go.

After a bit of experimentation I updated the library to work with ARC and added a convenience method to make it easy to send OSC messages to different hosts. My forked library is called MetatoneOSC. The goal with this is to have the easiest to setup and use OSC library. The usage notes are below.

Super thanks to Figure 53 for putting the library together.


Just add the source files to a project and import F53OSC.h.

Sending messages

F53OSCClient *oscClient = [[F53OSCClient alloc] init];
F53OSCMessage *message =
[F53OSCMessage messageWithAddressPattern:@"/bla/bli/blo"
                               arguments:@[@1,@"A string argument!",@5.82]];
[oscClient sendPacket:message toHost:@"" onPort:3000];'

Receiving messages

Whatever object is receiving messages needs to be a

<F53OSCPacketDestination data-preserve-html-node="true"> and implement the takeMessage method.

F53OSCServer *oscServer = [[F53OSCServer alloc] init];
[oscServer setPort:3000];
[oscServer setDelegate:self];
[oscServer startListening];

- (void)takeMessage:(F53OSCMessage *)message {
    // This method is called whenever the oscServer receives a message.
    NSString *addressPattern = message.addressPattern;
    NSArray *arguments = message.arguments;