A Page of Madness
26 Feb '12
This week, Ensemble Evolution hosted Bill and Ruth Cahn at Piteå Musikhögskolan to conduct a Creative Music Making workshop for the percussion and master’s students here. As well as seminars and improvised performances in Piteå and at Framnäs Folkhögskola in Öjebyn, we performed “A Page of Madness”, Bill Cahn’s score for the silent film by Teinosuke Kinugasa, together with Bill and Ruth in Studio Acusticum.
It was a wonderful concert with an audience of students and interested locals treated to a rare screening of the film and the resonant acoustic of the hall filled with the sound of Bill and Ruth’s collection of gongs and Japanese instruments.
A Sweden-wide search for a film projector capable of running the movie finally ended with a local projectionist dusting off one of their old clunkers for us to use!