Posterous exporter for Toto
13 Jul '11
I’ve been experimenting a bit with a cute blogging engine called Toto and wanted to migrate my Posterous posts so I wrote a little script in Ruby to download them all and format them in a Toto-appropriate way.
This script uses the posterous gem just to retrieve each post and put it in a YAML text file that Toto can understand. At the moment there are a few problems…
- Since YAML uses “:” as a control character I had to remove any colons from titles and replaced them with dashes… I wonder if there’s a way to preserve them so that the text files are still human-readable?
- The posterous gem only seems to get one page of posts at a time since my blog has 19 pages, I just ran my downloading method for each one.
Anyway, here’s the script! Maybe someone will chime in and tell me all the things I’m doing wrong:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'posterous'
require 'toto'
Posterous.config = {
'username' => 'username',
'password' => 'password',
'api_token' => 'api_token'
include Posterous
@site = Site.primary
Dir.chdir( "~/src/posterousparser" )
def saveposts(pagenumber = 0)
@site.posts(:page => pagenumber).each do |e|
timestamp = e.display_date
yyyy = timestamp[0..3]
mm = timestamp[5..6]
dd = timestamp[8..9]
title = e.title.gsub(":", "-")
slug = title.strip.slugize
filename = "#{yyyy}-#{mm}-#{dd}-#{slug}.txt"
puts "Writing #{filename}...\n"
file ="#{filename}", "w")
file.puts "---\n"
file.puts "title: #{title}\n"
file.puts "author: #{e.user["display_name"]}"
file.puts "date: #{dd}/#{mm}/#{yyyy}\n"
file.puts "timestamp: #{e.display_date}\n"
file.print "tags: "
e.tags.each do |a|
file.print "#{a["name"]} "
file.puts "\n\n"
file.puts "#{e.body_full}\n"
file.puts "\n"
puts "Downloading posts now!"
for i in 1..19 do